Hello, there.

I am a freelancer from Bangladesh and this is Neptune Documentation.


Welcome to the user manual for Neptune. This guide provides comprehensive instructions on how to navigate and utilise the various features available on the website.


  • PHP
  • NVM
  • NPM
  • MySQL
  • Laravel 8.*
  • Composer
  • Apache2/Nginx *

You will need to have the above programming language, tool, database and server installed before you can actually install the Neptune platform. Laravel 8.* framework has been used, it is only there to acknowledge that. No need to install Laravel. The rest of the technologies are pre-requisites.

After you make sure that composer is installed properly and you can check composer -v has given you proper update about the version of composer installed, you need to go to the folder where you downloaded the project from CodeCanyon and run the below command. It will run composer within that directory and download all the library and package files required for the Neptune platform to work.

composer update

And then you will need to run the below command also for downloading all the npm packages that are needed for the Neptune Exam Management System to function properly. Before you run this command be sure to check nvm -v and npm -v gives proper version numbers.

npm install

If doesn't work, try:
npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

Now comes the part where you have to run mostly commands related to the directory permissions and such for the Laravel framework to work properly. In the below two commands we are setting permission for the storage/ directory and bootstrap/cache directory. As Laravel needs to have access to this directories reading and writing data.

sudo chmod -R 775 storage
chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache

In some cases Laravel need to execute some files from the storage/ directory and that is why we will have give the directory execution permission as well and to do that you have to run the below command.

chmod -R ugo+rw storage

From this point on we have to run some Laravel specific command which uses Artisan (Command-line interface included with Laravel). The first one is this where we are linking the storage directory with the public directory for easy read/write of data from User's side.

php artisan storage:link

At this point of installation we have copy the structure of .env.example file (which can be found in the root directory of Neptune) and paste the contents to another file called .env
The below command will do that for you but if you want, you can do it manually too.
The dot(.) at the beginning is a must.

cp .env.example .env

Next open the .env file you just created (you can open it on a notepad). Replace the values that are shown in the below. You will need the database_name, database_user_name and database_password. We are assuming that you have already MySQL installed and created a database with your desired name. But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial

For the email settings, make sure that you have set the values to the variables show below correctly. Otherwise emails will not be sent in case of creating/updating/cancelling an exam.



This command will generate a new key and write it on the .env file.

php artisan key:generate

The command below is very important as this command will create the database tables and push the initial data to get started on using the Neptune platform. So double check that you have MySQL installed and you have setup the database credentials correctly in the .env file. Once this has been done successfully, you are just one step away from using the brand new Exam Management System.

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

In this step you will actually run the Laravel based Neptune platform and there are two ways to do that. If you want to run it manually then simply run the command shown under Manually and then visit http://localhost:8000 on your browser. If everything is done correctly, you should see the login page of Neptune.

But if you wish to run it as a VirtualHost, there are some steps that you have to as described here.
i. Go to /etc/apache2/sites-available or /etc/nginx/sites-available
ii. Copy and paste the default config file and rename it to your-desired-project-name
iii. Open the file and remove everything withing that and put the below code under VirtualHost
    - Make sure that value after root on line 2 matches with your directory (for example purpose neptune is put here)
    - The public at the end is mandatory
    - Make sure that you put the correct server name on line number 4 (for example purpose neptune.t1m9m.com is given here)
    - Update the php8.3-fpm.sock on line 10 according to the PHP version you installed
iv. Now run the command sudo nginx ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-desired-project-name /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
v. In case of Nginx sudo nginx ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/your-desired-project-name /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
vi. Open /etc/hosts file and write your-desired-project-name.local, then save and close
vii. Run sudo systemctl restart apache2 or sudo systemctl restart nginx
viii. Go to browser and visit your-desired-project-name.local and you should see the login page of Neptune.

php artisan serve

server {
    root /var/www/t1m9m.com/neptune/public;

    index index.html index.htm index.php;

    server_name neptune.t1m9m.com;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php8.3-fpm.sock;

    location ~ /\.ht {
        deny all;


Please email for any kind of support t1m9m.com@gmail.com and thank you for trying.

Sign in

To access the website, follow these steps:

  • Enter the website URL in your browser.
  • Input your email address and password to sign in.

Upon successful login, you will be directed to the Dashboard.


Email: superadmin@neptune.com

Password: superadmin


On this website, we offer three predefined roles:

  • Super Admin
  • Examiner
  • Examinee

Each role comes with preset permissions and access levels suitable for different users. Additionally, users with appropriate permissions can create custom roles based on specific requirements. This feature enables the definition of precise permissions and access rights customised to the unique needs of an organisation or project.


The Dashboard serves as the central hub for accessing key information and functionalities. Here's an overview:

  • Provides a summary of essential metrics such as total exams, total staff, total questions, total roles, total users, and more. Any of these boxes that have "View Details” will take you to the relevant page if you click on it. You can view only the information permitted by your predefined role.
  • Main Navigation: Access other sections of the website through the convenient left-side navigation bar.
  • Notification: There is a bell icon at the top right corner of the page. Clicking on the icon allows you to view all notifications at a glance.
  • Edit Profile: Edit your profile like name, email, gender and age by accessing the options in the top right corner of the page.
  • Account Settings: Update your email and password by accessing the options in the top right corner of the page. To change your email and password, enter your new email, old password, and new password. Then, simply select a security question and provide your answer to proceed with the update. For the first time, the answer will be saved but for the consecutive time the question and answer will be used for verification. Please note that you do not update your security question; it is only used as a verification step for updating your email and password.
  • Logout: Log out of the system from the top right corner.


This page shows all Examiners and their various information along with new add examiner, Edit, Delete. This page includes,

  • New Examiner: Clicking the "New Examiner" button directs you to a page where you can add a new examiner. Simply enter their name, gender, email, select their age, and click submit. The new examiner will then be added. The default password is 12345678 (Examiners can change their password after logging into their profile).
  • Exam: Clicking the "Exam" button allows you to access exams created by each examiner. The same exam can be collaborated by multiple examiners, facilitating collaborative input and oversight. This page offers a comprehensive and informative overview of the exam. Alongside displaying the start and end times, the "Now" column indicates the current system time. "Attendees" indicates the expected number of examinees scheduled to participate, while "Attended" shows the actual number present. The "Pass/Fail" column dynamically showcases the number of examinees who have passed or failed. Additionally, the "Average" represents the average marks obtained by attending examinees, while "Highest" and "Lowest" indicate the highest and lowest marks achieved in the exam, respectively.
  • Examinee: Clicking the "Examinee" button reveals the individuals registered for each of those exams. The Exam page presents a comprehensive and informative overview of each exam. This page provides a detailed view of all the Examinees who either attended or were scheduled to attend each exam managed by that examiner. Alongside the Examinees' personal information, detailed information about their respective exams is also displayed. In each row, the "Exam" column displays the title of the exam attended by the examinee. "Attempted Questions" and "Correct Answers" show the total number of questions attempted by the examinee and the number of correct answers, respectively. Finally, based on the correct answers, the "Result" column indicates whether the examinee has passed or failed the exam. Users with appropriate permissions can manage the examinee list by using the "New Examinee" option. Clicking the button "New Examinee" will take you to a page where you can fill in all necessary information to add a new examinee to that exam.
  • Show: To access detailed information about each examiner, simply click the "Show" button on the respective row.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the examiner's name, age, email and gender. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a examiner by entering a specific keyword


In this section, all registered examinees in the system are displayed, with "Examinee" serving as a predefined role. Only users with the appropriate permissions can add new examinees. When adding a new examinee, they can be assigned to multiple categories, allowing them to automatically join exams created under those categories. Each row in the table includes columns indicating the exams completed by the examinee and the examiners overseeing them. This page contains,

  • New Examinee: By clicking the "New Examinee" button, you can create a new examinee. Adding a new examinee is limited to users with the appropriate permissions. Examinees also have the option to register on this website independently through the login page. To add a new examinee, simply enter their name, email, age, and select their gender and category. The new examinee will then be added to the existing list.
  • Exams: The Exams page presents the exams attended or scheduled by the examinee, providing details such as the exam title, start and end times, which indicate the exact date and time of each exam. On the right side, columns like Attempted Questions and Correct Answers display the number of questions attempted and the number of correct answers, respectively. Finally, at the end of each row, the Result column indicates whether the examinee passed or failed the exam.
  • Examiner: The rows in the table provide details about the examiners assigned to each exam, allowing for multiple supervisors for a single exam. Users can easily find specific examiner details by using the search function in the table. Users with appropriate permissions can add examiners to collaborate with the present examiner by using the "New Examiner" option. Clicking the "New Examiner" button will direct you to a page where you can input all the necessary information to add a new examiner to the exam.
  • Show: To access detailed information about each examinee, simply click the "Show" button on the respective row.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the examinee's name, age, email, gender and category. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a examinee by entering a specific keyword


All exams, both those already conducted and those scheduled for the future, are listed here. You can access various details about each exam, as well as options to create a new exam, view details, edit, and delete. This page contains,

  • New Exam: You can create a new exam by clicking the "New Exam" button. Upon clicking, you'll be directed to a new page featuring four tabs. Each tab contains a form for different aspects of the exam: Basics, Questions, Sections, and Miscellaneous. In the Basics form, you'll need to enter details such as the exam name, date, duration, category, description, and instructions. After completing this form, click "Submit" to receive a confirmation notification. Next, proceed to the Questions form to select the desired questions and submit your choices. Moving on to the Sections tab, select a section and submit to display all questions within that section. Then, choose the questions for each section and submit your selections. Finally, in the Miscellaneous form, enter the pass mark and negative mark per answer before submitting. Upon completion, your new exam will be listed in the existing list.
  • Result: By clicking the “Result” button, you can view a list of examinees who participated in the exam, along with their names, email addresses, attempted questions, correct answers, incorrect answers, percentage, and results (pass/fail).
  • Examiners: This page provides a list view of all the examiners authorised to work on exams. Staff members with appropriate permissions can manage the examiner list by using the "Edit Examiners" and "Remove" options. It's important to note that examiners themselves are not permitted to add or remove other examiners.
  • Examinees: This page presents a comprehensive list of all the examinees selected to participate in the exam. After examinees submit their answers, fields such as Attempted Questions and Correct Answers will be filled with relevant information. Staff members with appropriate permissions can manage the examinee list by using the "Edit Examinees" and "Remove" options. It's important to note that examinees themselves are not permitted to add or remove other examinees.
  • Show: Clicking the “Show” button you can see the whole exam paper at a glance as if the examinee's watching it. You can also convert it into a PDF file and print it using the options available at the top right corner of the page.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the exam's details. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a exam by entering a specific keyword
Note: Staff members can have various permissions customised to their requirements. Even though Staff members are granted permissions such as Creating Exams, Editing Exams, and Answering Exam Questions, it's advisable that they avoid utilising these permissions.

Question Types

ⅰ. Image

This page displays all the image questions, providing the option to add or update them as needed.

  • New Image Question: Clicking the "New Image Question" button redirects you to the Create Form page to add a new question. Simply type the question and its answer, then upload the corresponding image, and press submit to add the new image question. You can add as many questions as you like using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click on the Red Cross button at the end of each row (except for the first row). This action will remove both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone. As you proceed, please ensure that your answers are easy to type, considering the convenience of the input method. For instance, symbols like the degree (°) may not be easily accessible.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, image and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a image question by entering a specific keyword

ⅱ. Single

This is the single questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page includes,

  • New Single Question: The "New Single Question" button redirects you to the Create Form page, where you can type the question and its answer, then submit to add the new single question. You can add as many questions as you like using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click on the Red Cross button at the end of each row (except for the first row). This action will remove both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone. As you proceed, please ensure that your answers are easy to type, considering the convenience of the input method. For instance, symbols like the degree (°) may not be easily accessible.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a single question by entering a specific keyword

ⅲ. True/False

This is the true/false questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page includes,

  • New True/False Question: The "True/False Question" button redirects you to the Create Form page, where you can type the question and select answer (True/False), then submit to add the new true/false question. You can add as many questions as you like using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click on the Red Cross button at the end of each row (except for the first row). This action will remove both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question and answer (true/false). You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a single question by entering a specific keyword

ⅳ. Fill in the Gap

This is the Fill in the Gap questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New Fill in the Gap: The “New Fill in the Gap” button redirects you to the 'Create Form' page where you can type the question in the question box. When you enter the question, each word is shown in the select drop-down to allow you to choose the answer to the above question. The word/ answer you select from the drop-down will appear as a blank space in the exam paper. Then, submit to add the new fill-in-the-gap question. You can add as many questions as you like using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click on the Red Cross button at the end of each row (except for the first row). This action will remove both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone. As you proceed, please ensure that your answers are easy to type, considering the convenience of the input method. For instance, symbols like the degree (°) may not be easily accessible.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a single question by entering a specific keyword

ⅴ. Three Choices

This is the MCQ3 questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New MCQ Three: The "New MCQ Three" button takes you to the Create Form page, where you can input the question and provide three options for the answer. Select the correct answer from the options, then submit to add the new three-choice question. Ensure that one answer is present among the three options. You can add multiple questions using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click the Red Cross button at the end of each row (excluding the first row). This action permanently removes both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, options of the answer and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a MCQ3 question by entering a specific keyword.

ⅵ. Four Choices

This is the MCQ4 questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New MCQ Four: The "New MCQ Four" button takes you to the Create Form page, where you can input the question and provide four options for the answer. Select the correct answer from the options, then submit to add the new four-choice question. Ensure that one answer is present among the four options. You can add multiple questions using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click the Red Cross button at the end of each row (excluding the first row). This action permanently removes both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, options of the answer and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a MCQ4 question by entering a specific keyword.

ⅶ. Five Choices

This is the MCQ5 questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New MCQ Five: The "New MCQ Five" button takes you to the Create Form page, where you can input the question and provide five options for the answer. Select the correct answer from the options, then submit to add the new five-choice question. Ensure that one answer is present among the five options. You can add multiple questions using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click the Red Cross button at the end of each row (excluding the first row). This action permanently removes both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, options of the answer and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a MCQ5 question by entering a specific keyword.

ⅷ. Three Answers

This is the MAQ3 questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New MAQ Three: The "New MAQ Three" button directs you to the Create Form page, where you can input the question and provide three options for the answer. Select the correct answer(s) from the options, then submit to add the new three-answers question. Correct answers can be single or multiple. Ensure that the correct answer(s) are present among the three options. You can add multiple questions using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click the Red Cross button at the end of each row (excluding the first row). This action permanently removes both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, options of the answer and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a MAQ3 question by entering a specific keyword.

ⅸ. Four Answers

This is the MCQ4 questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New MCQ Four: The "New MCQ Four" button directs you to the Create Form page, where you can input the question and provide four options for the answer. Select the correct answer(s) from the options, then submit to add the new four-answers question. Correct answers can be single or multiple. Ensure that the correct answer(s) are present among the four options. You can add multiple questions using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click the Red Cross button at the end of each row (excluding the first row). This action permanently removes both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, options of the answer and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a MAQ4 question by entering a specific keyword.

ⅹ. Five Answers

This is the MCQ5 questions page where all the questions are listed and can also be added or updated. This page contains,

  • New MCQ Five: The "New MCQ Five" button directs you to the Create Form page, where you can input the question and provide five options for the answer. Select the correct answer(s) from the options, then submit to add the new five-answers question. Correct answers can be single or multiple. Ensure that the correct answer(s) are present among the five options. You can add multiple questions using the "Add Another Question" button at the bottom-right. To delete a question from the list, click the Red Cross button at the end of each row (excluding the first row). This action permanently removes both the question and its answer, and it cannot be undone.
  • Clicking the "Show" button allows you to view the details of the question.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the question, options of the answer and answer. You can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  • You can search for a MCQ5 question by entering a specific keyword.


Categories function as tags within the system, facilitating organisation. They prove valuable when adding Examinees. During the creation of an Exam or an Examinee, multiple categories can be included. When adding a new Examinee, they will automatically be associated with exams sharing the same categories. Categories significantly enhance the efficiency of organising both exams and Examinees within the system.

  • Clicking on the "New Category" button initiates the process of creating a new category. Simply enter the name of the new category and click "submit". The new category will be created.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button enables you to modify the cetagory's name. To delete it, click "Delete".
  • You can search for a category by entering a specific keyword


Sections play a vital role in systematically organising exam papers. When sections are integrated into an exam, the paper is displayed section by section. Users with Section permissions can access all sections, regardless of their contribution. During exam creation, multiple sections can be included. However, while sections can be added during exam creation, questions must be added to the sections in the subsequent step.

  • Clicking on the "New section" button initiates the process of creating a new section. Simply enter the name of the new section and click "submit". The new section will be created.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the section's name. You can delete it by clicking "Delete".
  • You can search for a section by entering a specific keyword


The Permissions page offers a comprehensive view of the system's available access features. These access rights, totaling 84, come preconfigured and are categorised into 19 modules. While most modules provide basic access functions like Create, Show, Edit, and Delete, there are exceptions such as Permission, Exam, Examiner, and Examinee. It's important to note that these permissions undergo a thorough two-layer security check: first within the View files and then through verification within the Controllers. This method ensures robust security measures are in place.


Roles are crucial in determining your access within the system. For instance, if you possess the role of Examiner, you gain access to manage Questions, Categories, Sections, and Exams. It's important to understand that a single role defines a consistent set of actions across users. Predefined roles like Super Admin, Examiner, and Examinee should not be modified. Additionally, creating a new role with identical permissions as one of these predefined roles will not yield similar behaviour.Any new role added to the system is automatically categorised as a Staff role.

  • Clicking on the "New Role" button initiates the process of creating a new role.To do this, just enter the name and the permissions you want for that role, then click submit. It's that simple to create a new role.
  • Clicking on the "Show" button for a specific user will display all the permissions assigned to that user's role on a new page.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button enables you to change the role's name and permissions. You can delete it by clicking "Delete".
  • You can search for a role by entering a specific keyword
Note: When creating a new role, ensure it doesn't mirror permissions of Examinee or Examiner roles to avoid unexpected outcomes. Even users with the Super Admin role shouldn't attempt to create exams, as it's the responsibility of an Examiner. This maintains the operational integrity of the system.


All types of users are displayed in this section ever superadmin (except examiner and examinee), along with their all other information like, email, age, role and gender of. New staff can be created from this page by selecting among predefined roles. Administrators can define the role and permissions of each user during the creation process.

Creating Staff or any User, for that matter, follows a role-based approach. Initially, you create a role with the desired permissions for a Staff member. Subsequently, you assign this role to the Staff member you intended to create initially. It's important to note that only one role can be assigned at a time; the system doesn't accommodate assigning multiple roles to one Staff/User. Additionally, predefined roles like Super Admin, Examiner, and Examinee are intentionally kept hidden. It's crucial to recognize that Examiner and Examinee roles are distinct from Staff roles. Furthermore, there should only be one user under the super admin role to maintain system integrity.

  • Clicking on the "New Staff" button initiates the process of creating a new staff. You'll need to enter the name, gender, age, email address, select the role, and set a password. If you prefer not to set a password, the default password for the user will be 12345678.
  • Clicking the "Show" button for a specific user displays all permissions assigned to that staff member on a new page.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button allows modification of the staff member's name, age, gender, email, and role. To remove them, simply click "Delete".
  • You can search for a staff by entering a specific keyword
Note: Staff members can have various permissions customised to their requirements. Even though Staff members are granted permissions such as Creating Exams, Editing Exams, and Answering Exam Questions, it's advisable that they avoid utilising these permissions. When adding new staff, you can assign roles through the "New Staff" button, with roles created from the Roles page. Furthermore, additional staff roles could be designed to modify specific question types, like MCQ, MAQ, or Fill in the Gap, as an illustrative example.


All types of users are displayed in this section, along with their email addresses and roles. New users can be created from this page by selecting among predefined roles. Administrators can define the role and permissions of each user during the creation process. And also can edit and delete them.

  • Clicking on the "New User" button initiates the process of creating a new user. You'll need to enter the email address, select the role, and set a password. If you prefer not to set a password, the default password for the user will be 12345678.
  • Clicking on the "Show" button for a specific user will display all the permissions assigned to that user on a new page. This feature enables administrators to review and verify the permissions granted to individual users, ensuring appropriate access levels and security within the system. Users with "Create, Edit, Delete" permissions for this page should be selected carefully, as they wield significant control over user management within the system.
  • Clicking the "Edit" button enables you to change the user's email and role. You can delete them by clicking "Delete”.
  • You can search for a user by entering a specific keyword
Note: It's important to understand that creating a user only generates the user account, not the complete profile. Additionally, each user can only have one role assigned to them, and it's recommended to have only one user under the super admin role. Once a user is created, they'll be able to log in to the system. However, before they can take any actions, they must complete their profile creation. This ensures that all necessary information is provided before the user can engage in any activities within the system.

User Manual for Examinee

Welcome to the user manual for “Neptune”. This guide provides comprehensive instructions on how to navigate and utilise the various features available on the website.

Sign In

To access the website, follow these steps:

  • Enter the website URL in your browser.
  • Input your email address and password to sign in.

Upon successful login, you will be directed to the Dashboard.


You can create your account as an examinee by registering. To create a new account, click the "here" button under the "Sign me in" button on the sign-in page. After clicking the register button, you'll be directed to a form page where you can enter your name, age, email, password, confirm password, select gender and category, and agree to the terms, data policy, and Cookie Use. Then, click "Sign up" to proceed, and you'll be directed to your dashboard.


The Dashboard serves as the central hub for accessing key information and functionalities. Here's an overview:

  • Provides a summary of the total exam. "View Details” will take you to the exam page if you click on it.
  • Main Navigation: Access other sections of the website through the convenient left-side navigation bar.
  • Notification: There is a bell icon at the top right corner of the page. Clicking on the icon allows you to view all notifications at a glance.
  • Edit Profile: Edit your profile like name, email, gender and age by accessing the options in the top right corner of the page.
  • Account Settings: Update your email and password by accessing the options in the top right corner of the page. To change your email and password, enter your new email, old password, and new password. Then, simply select a security question and provide your answer to proceed with the update. For the first time, the answer will be saved but for the consecutive time the question and answer will be used for verification. Please note that you do not update your security question; it is only used as a verification step for updating your email and password.
  • Logout: Log out of the system from the top right corner.


On this page, you'll find a list of all the exams you've completed and those scheduled for the future.You'll receive notifications in your account and via email whenever a new exam is created within your designated category. These categories are established either during your account setup or by the administrators. It's essential to remember that exams will start according to the system time, not the examinee's local time, so it's important to keep track of timing accordingly. This page includes,

  • At the scheduled exam time, you'll find a "Start" button available. Before the exam officially starts, you'll see a message indicating "Exam is yet to start”. Throughout the exam, examinees have the option to start or submit the exam multiple times, provided there is still time remaining. All questions, whether with or without sections, will be displayed on a single page. Keep in mind that there's no autosave feature, so remember to submit your answers before the exam time runs out.
  • After the exam time is up, examinees can review their answers by clicking the "Answer" button.
  • You can search for a exam by entering a specific keyword
